Study Skills One-to-One

During this tailored one to one session I teach students simple but effective techniques on how, when and what to study based on their own individual learning style. A unique approach is taken where the student is also introduced to simple principles on the Psychology of Success so that they can understand what success is and what it means to them and ways to achieve it. Also included are 3 simple steps on how to strengthen their Emotional Intelligence so that they can perform better under pressure and it may also help them to recall information when their mind goes blank.

Parents also access a free support group where the content of the session is available so that they can continue to support their student at home.


Student Wellbeing

We constantly hear about alarmingly high statistics and lack of resources available to help children and teenagers with their wellbeing. The word crisis is used so often. Why do we wait for a crisis to happen?? Having worked with hundreds of children and teenagers I am passionate about teaching simple techniques that empower young people to take control of how they feel by showing them how to let go of emotions such as fear, sadness anxiety, worry, anger and overwhelm. My wellbeing sessions are centered around an amazing quantum release technique where negative emotions are left behind and empowering positive learnings and feelings are anchored in.

The students and parents also take home simple but effective techniques that they can use to help them to stay in control of how they feel, step into their power bubble and be happy and confident.


Mentoring Programme

My Formula For Success Mentoring Program is a Private One to One Program where I teach students How, When And What to Study and also provide consistent practical and emotional support to the students who want to achieve success in The Junior/Leaving Cert.

It has been created and designed to provide support for the student at critical times throughout the academic year when stress can become an issue and when the going gets tough and they will feel like giving up and motivation gets very low. Unless they know how to overcome these moments, this can really impact their exam results.


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